
1 lb Black beans, soaked

1 Bay leaf

1 md Green bell pepper, cut into

— quarters —–SOFRITO—– 2/3 c Olive oil

4 Garlic cloves, chopped

1 lg Onion, chopped

1 md Green bell pepper, chopped

3 ts Cumin

2 tb Cider vinegar

1 t Chopped green chili

Cook black beans with bay leaf & green pepper until they are very tender & starting to crack open about 2 hours. Add more water as necessary. SOFRITO: In a skillet, heat the oil, add garlic, onion, bell pepper & cook, stirring until the onion is translucent, 8 to 10 minutes. Add the rest of the ingredients & mix well. Add sofrito to the beans, mix well & cok over low heat, covered, until the beans crack open, 30 to 40 minutes. Season to taste & serve. Randelman & Schwartz, “Memories of a Cuban Kitchen”

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