
3 sl Back bacon

3 Stalks celery, chopped

2 md Carrots, chopped

1 md Onion, chopped

1 c Chopped turnip

3 c Beef broth

1 Bay leaf

1/2 ts Thyme

1 cn (19oz) kidney OR pinto

-beans, drained and rinsed

Prep time: 25 minutes. When the vegetables are finely chopped it takes only a short simmering time to develop and blend the flavors of the bacon and assorted winter vegetables. The beans add character and a heartiness that is satisfying. And an added plus – the soup is better a day or two after it is made. Store it in a covered container in the refrigerator. Cut bacon into thin slivers. In a 12 cup saucepan, combine bacon,celery, carrots, onion, turnip, beef broth, bay leaf and thyme. Bring to a boil; reduce heat, cover and simmer for 15 minutes or until vegetables are tender. Add beans and continue to simmer 5-10 minutes or until hot, and flavors are blended. Remove the bay leaf and ladle into warm soup tureen or soup bowls. Makes 8 servings. Origin: Light & Easy Choices Shared by: Sharon Stevens.

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