
2 ea Lamb, racks

1 md Onion, chopped

1 md Carrot, chopped

2 tb Parsley

2 md Garlic, cloves, chopped

2 ea Rosemary, sprigs OR

1/2 ts Rosemary, dry

1/4 c Wine, white

1/2 c Oil, olive

Pepper ———————————LAMB STOCK——————————— Bones, lamb 3 tb Oil, olive

1 md Carrot, chopped

2 md Shallots, minced

1 ea Celery, stalk, chopped

1 tb Parsley, minced

4 md Tomatoes, peeled, seeded

— chopped 1/2 c Wine, white

1/2 c Stock, veal

———————————-ASSEMBLY———————————- 12 ea Lamb, medallions, cut

— from marinated meat Marinade ——————————-SAUTEED GARLIC——————————- 20 ea Garlic, cloves

Water, boiling, salted 2 tb Butter

Lamb: ===== Bone lamb, reserving bones. Put the meat into a bowl with the remaining ingredients and marinate for several hours. Stock: ====== Brown the lamb bones in the oil and add the rest of the ingredients. Bring to a boil and reduce the heat to simmer for 30 minutes. Assembly: ========= Strain the marinade into a skillet and reduce slightly. Add the medallions and cook to medium rare, about 10 minutes. Strain the stock from above into the pan and cook until thick. Strain and serve over the medallions with sauteed garlic. Sauteed Garlic: =============== Split the cloves and remove the germ which runs down the center. Blanch in salted water for 3 minutes and drain. Brown in butter and serve over lamb medallions. Source: Great Chefs of New Orleans, Tele-record Productions : Box 71112, New Orleans, Louisiana – 1983 : Chef Chris Kerageorgiou, La Provence Restaurant, New Orleans

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