
Roasted Tomato Sauce; * 8 oz Crab Meat; **

1/2 c Green Onions w/tops; Sliced

1 tb Butter Or Margarine

1/2 c Dairy Sour Cream

1/2 c Monterey Jack Cheese; Shred

14 oz Artichoke Hearts; ***

10 Flour Tortillas; ****

4 tb Butter Or Margarine

* See Sowest 2 for recipe. ** Use 1 package of Frozen salad-style imitation crabmeat, thawed *** Artichoke hearts should be drained and cut into quarters. Use one **** Flour tortillas should be 7 to 8 inches in diameter and be warm. ~————————————————————————- Prepare Roasted Tomato Sauce; set aside. Cook crabmeat and onions in 1 Tbls of margarine over medium heat, stirring frequently, until onions are tender. Mix in cour cream, cheese and artichoke hearts. Spoon about 13 of a cup of the mixture onto one end of each tortilla. Roll up tightly into a cylinderical shape; secure with wooden picks. Heat 2 Tbls of margarine in 10-inch skilled over medium heat until hot and bubbly. Cook 3 or 4 flautas

in margarine, turning frequently, until golden brown, about 5 minutes. Keep warm in 300 degree F. oven. Repeat with remaining flautas, adding the remaining margarine as needed. Serve with warm Roasted Tomato Sauce.

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