
1 pound lean ground beef

1/4 cup onion — finely chopped

Barbecue sauce 4 slices American cheese

4 crusty rolls

Romaine lettuce — split Tomato — sliced

In medium bowl, combine ground beef, onion and 2 tablespoons barbecue sauce, mi xing thoroughly. Shape into four 1/2-inch-thick patties. Place patties on grid over medium ash-covered coals. Grill 14 to 16 minutes or until centers are no longer pink, turning once. Approximately 1 minute before e nd of cooking time, brush top side of burgers with additional barbecue sauce; t op each with 1 slice cheese. Cook until cheese slices are melted. Line bottom half of each roll with lettuce and tomato; top with cheeseburger. C lose sandwiches.

Source: “The Texas Beef Council” S(Internet address): “http://www.txbeef.org/” Start to Finish Time: “0:30”

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