
2 Egg whites

1 c Superfine granulated sugar

1 1/2 c Toasted almonds, ground

3/4 c Toasted hazelnuts, ground

2 tb All-purpose flour

1 ts Cinnamon

1/4 ts Nutmeg

Confectioner’s sugar

—————————ICING————————— 1 Egg white

1 1/2 c Confectioner’s sugar

1 ts Water

In small mixer bowl, beat 2 egg whites until soft peaks form (tips curl over). Gradually beat in the 1 cup of superfine sugar, beating until stiff peaks form (tips stand straight up). Stir together nuts, flour, and spices; fold in beaten egg whites. Let mixture rest 30 minutes or longer so nuts can absorb mixture. Roll out to 1/4-inch thickness on surface lightly sprinkled with powdered sugar. Cut with star-shapped cookie cutter(*). Place on greased baking sheet. Bake in 325?F oven for 10 – 15 minutes. Cool on rack. (*) Dough scraps may be rerolled to 1/2-inch thickness and cut with scalloped cutter. Bake in 325?F oven for 20 minutes. Store in covered container. ICING: Beat 1 egg white slightly. Gradually stir in the remaining 1 1/2 c confectioner’s sugar. Add water till icing is of spreading consistency. Better Homes and Gardens December 1977 —–

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